Toni Casassas i Bover. Vic, Barcelona.
Tot i treballar en diferents disciplines artístiques, els ultims anys s’ha centrat més en el cinema experimental i l’audiovisual que en la pintura o la fotografia. Va realitzat cursos de cinema amb Bigas Luna. Cursos d’arquitectura a la Universitat d’Arquitectura de North of London, i d’Escenografia a Kontsfack School of Art d’Estocholm.
Toni Casassas i Bover was born in Vic, Barcelona. Since 1990 painting, photography and also architecture (University of Arquitecture and Interior Designe of North of London) have been his main interests. He made several exhibitions and this took him to Sweeden (Kontsfack School of Art d’Estocolm) to initiate himself into the world of scenography and, later in Barcelona, into video-art and experimental documentaries. He participated in several cinema Workshops with spanish director Bigas Luna.